“natto okura hotto sando”

Everyone’s favorite fermented soybeans with green pepper and olive-oil-salt-fried okra, all toasted together and cozy. What’s missing here is some melted brie or camembert. That would have made this an haut sandwich.


6 responses to ““natto okura hotto sando””

  1. Fermented soybeans are probably the only thing I didn’t like to eat in Japan. I can’t believe you go out of your way to make them at home. I think they are disgusting!

  2. Nice stream of updates! But it’s really just cruel teasing, isn’t it? Lull us into a false sense of security? 🙂 Just Joking–Great Updates, Wonderful Photos and Glad to see You back!!

  3. とーってもおいしそー!!

  4. Mmm, that looks good.

  5. I’m sure how to explain the appeal of natto. It smells like old socks, but I find the flavor pretty mild. It helps to think of it as cheese. I’m not so fond of the sticky, spiderwebby texture.
    It’s cheap vegetarian protein.
    Check out the purported medical benefits of natto in wikipedia.

  6. oh my god. i can’t believe you just took 2 of the 3 japanese foods i can’t eat and put them together in a sando! >.< neba-neba....::shudder:: but...it does *look* good!