The Terminal

KIX Osaka, LAX Los Angeles, SFO San Francisco.
I’m back in the U.S. for a few weeks to move out of my old place and attend my cousin’s wedding.
For now I’m stuck in SFO. I seem to forget very basic things sometimes. In college once wrote an essay for two hours before realizing I didn’t have a thesis. I forgot my passport once on the way to Japan. This time I forgot to bring my house keys. To be fair to myself, though, I’m not sure I even had them in my possession during these past few months, since I’d already basically moved out. Anyway, I forgot to arrange to be able to get into the house. I’m hungry and need to catch up on a night’s sleep.

Trying to contact roommates. Anyone home? Does everyone work these days?

At least SFO has wireless access. I’m dropping $6 for an hour of T-Mobile.


2 responses to “The Terminal”

  1. Thai Air. I like Thai Air, they were very good to me.

  2. Yes, excellent service on Thai air. Free tuna sandwiches available between meals. And the leg room!
    I did miss United’s seat-back LCD screens, though.