
Been trapped at home with work lately, but managed to get out of the house the other day to see the sakura blooming everywhere.


Maybe best that I haven’t been out this weekend, because the buses and streets must be packed with people seeking the perfect cherry blossom photo.
More soon….


4 responses to “sakura”

  1. I think to myself, “Man, if I lived in Kyoto, I’d be strolling Philosopher’s Walk every day of hanami season.” But I suppose the reality of work and a busy life permeates even as far as Kyoto…

  2. Speaking of Philosopher…Try the Three Philosophers, a 9.6% alcohol Quadrupel from Ommegang (Should have it in Japan). Taste like chocolate covered cherry!! Great around the sakura blossom season!

  3. Tessa

    Hey Rick, you work too hard! Spring is such a nice time to see how awesome nature is. So I hope you get out there! When are you visiting WA again? Hope to catch up with you next time.

  4. Yeah, I shouldn’t forget to get out and appreciate what’s around me. Lucky to be in Kyoto, lucky to be alive! Cherry blossoma, alcohol, cherry-chocolate alcochol, philosophy, springtime…work… Balance is a good goal for every day.