scenes from my wedding

I would have loved to photograph my own wedding. I did snap a few shots, but, as you’d expect, I was usually otherwise occupied.

My wife (woah…) Mari and I eagerly await the prints from our official photographer, other friends and relatives. I might not be able to post those images here, but here’s a nice bunch from me, my dad, my brother and our friend Hacchan.

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7 responses to “scenes from my wedding”

  1. Brilliant! Wonderful! Congratulations again! (can’t say it enough–in addition to mentioning that You make a wonderful couple!) Photo #6 “Take those photos fast…” is truly a Great Shot!

  2. Looks like you had good fun through it all! Congrats again!

  3. すごーい きれい 映画みたい
    まりさんもキレイだし リックもかっこいい

  4. I like No. 8. With a photo like that you can remember the feeling of a moment. Layers upon layers of kimono, a wig that is beyond what most people could imagine wearing, a woman behind you trying to cinch it all together — whou wouldn’t laugh?

  5. congrats, photo 8 is so happy! now you’re more japanese than i am!

  6. Cris Ford

    Awesome photos! Of course, with a setting like that, how can you miss? It’s impossible to tell what century you’re in. I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to make it. What an idyllic wedding! I had to run out to get some sushi after seeing photos of the iron chef meal. Congratulations to both of you, and may God bless and bestow many graces on your marriage. You are now soul-mates for life.

  7. It’s all so beautiful! You look very happy – congratulations (belated).