melted cheese

Some old and new friends joined us the other night for fondue. The photo makes it look like lemon pudding. No, it’s a big pot of molten cheese, wine and garlic. We didn’t have a tabletop burner, so every five minutes we would shuttle the pot back to the kitchen for some fire. Still finishing off the leftover cheese. It’s chilling in the refrigerator, a waxen folded crepe. Thanks to all who came over. Let’s do it again! Maybe not with cheese, not so soon. How about chocolate?


3 responses to “melted cheese”

  1. wow. that’s a lot of cheese, ricky. was it velveteen??

  2. Velveteen as in “Velveteen Rabbit?” Oh no!
    Surely you mean Velveeta. Even worse!
    Seriously though, it was fancy Swiss emmenthal and another — no Kraft singles or goverment cheese that night. The color in the photo comes from a combination of the white balance (which often goes yellow when I use the flash) and the oil from the cheese rising to the top of the pot.
    It really was delicious and addictive. Just remember not to drink fizzy things with fondue. Deadly combination.

  3. oops! my bad!