
Hunting for autumn colors.
Hacchan, a friend visiting from Tokyo, and I found ourselves in Higashiyama looking for more nighttime momiji displays. We followed a map through narrow cobblestone streets, past low wooden buildings with vertical wooden slatted doors and windows, and up a hill towards Kiyomizudera temple. Passing tour groups and shops closing for the night, we finally reached the steps outside the temple grounds. The trees and buildings were dark. Other momiji hunters stood around aimless. The temple was closed for the night. The light-up wouldn’t start for a couple more days. Hacchan planned to leave before then, so we were pretty disappointed.


We wandered back towards a bus stop and found a street busy with taxis and rickshaws. It led us to Koudaiji temple, where we finally found our light-up. The line to get in was long. Inside, digital clicks and chimes went off as the crowds engaged in a picture-snapping frenzy. The trees were lit up colorfully, sometimes garishly. Modern sculpture installations had taken root like alien flora and fauna. I decided to go postmodern and take pictures of people taking pictures.